Monday, June 9, 2008

A Million Little Pieces

My heart has been broken into a million pieces my entire life. I know, how is it possible to carry around hurt for that long? Well it is quite possible... I hold on to past hurts because it teaches me to not repeat those patterns, but humans have become more and more innovative with the way that they hurt people. Instead of people being honest and straight forward, it has become a norm to be dishonest and hurtful to others and I wonder, with all the advances that the human civilization has made, why are we still caught up in the dark ages about love and valuing the person that you love? Why has love become some type of joke or instrument of manipulation. Do not get me confused, I am not accusing any sex because I have seen it all, but it makes me wonder if we view love as one of the driving forces in this universe then why is it so hard to find it here in this small place called earth?